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Visualizations for Clearing and Creating Energetic Protection

by Nancy Robbins 



 The Earth is currently receiving intense downloads of higher frequencies that are rapidly shifting our consciousness and our physical bodies.  With Light shining so intensely into the darkness much is being revealed about who we truly are.  Old ideas and paradigms are falling apart as they no longer can be a part of the new energy.  Lots of change is underway.  What is important now is to stay focused on the highest values of love, compassion, joy, creativity, and innovation. 

There is a lot of negative thoughts and emotions, such as fear and anxiety, that is swirling around the collective consciousness because of all the revelations and changes that need to be cleared so that our path of ascension is not blocked.  These lower thoughts and emotions disempower us and hold us back from reaching our higher potential and highest purpose.  Once these lower energies are cleared from our energy field and in the spaces we inhabit – home, workplace, and our car, then we can fill it with higher energy that truly supports us.  These places serve as a template for the quality of our energy and the goals we wish to manifest.  Once cleared we free ourselves from restricting energies.  We feel lighter and the energy in a room seems lighter too.  We can then focus on positive thoughts and emotions that support us and help us to grow and transform. 

Strengthening your energy field and the environmental space that you live and work in with positive, higher frequency energy will serve to protect your health physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. 

What is “negative energy”?

The air is full of unseen energies.  Some of these energies are “negative” since they lower our vibration and are toxic to our health and well-being, as well as create blocks to our energy flow.  We can generate some of these negative energies from our thoughts and emotions, such as fear, hatred, jealousy, doubt, worry, resentment, low self-esteem, etc., but we can also pick them up from other people, objects, or locations that we visit, or a new home or workspace that we move into.  These lower thoughts and emotions hold us back from reaching our higher potential and higher purpose and disempower us. 

Negative energy is also generated from cables and electronic devices such as televisions, computers, tablets, cell phones, and 5G.  These devises generate electromagnetic fields that create fatigue and irritability and even illnesses such as cancer and leukemia. 

Geopathic stress is caused by disruption of the natural energy lines of the earth’s grid system.  These lines can be disturbed by any human activity, such as erecting buildings, damming rivers, or lowering water tables.  Geopathic stress can induce fatigue, depression immune disorders, headaches, behavioral problems, and insomnia.

This article’s purpose is to help you clear the negative energies and protect yourself from their influence so that you can raise your frequency and consciously enhance your spaces with positive energy to contribute to your well-being.



Archangel Michael is the Archangel of the Blue Flame of Power/Will.  He is the leader of the celestial armies – the Band of Mercy.  His light dispels all darkness and falsehood from your life.  He can clear negative energy from any space – home, office, mind, or heart.  His sword of Blue flame lights your way to truth, wisdom, and freedom from anything inhibiting your highest potential.  He helps to reveal your truth and dispense with illusions.  His blue-flaming sword, if invoked for your highest good only, can cut away cords of negativity between you and others, as well as cut away old behavior patterns.  Cutting these cords frees you from being drained of energy or connected to a negative person or situation.

“I ask Archangel Michael and his blue flaming sword to cut the cords of all that restrict me to help purify, protect, and empower me to be my best self.”

 “Archangel Michael, I call unto you, to protect and defend me in circles of blue.”

 Prayer to Archangel Michael to Clear Energy

 “I call upon Archangel Michael to use his blue-flaming sword to completely clear me of all attached energies and all negative energies from my cellular memory.  I ask that you transmute these energies up through the fifth dimension so they can be transformed into their highest form of Light.  Should I have any attached energies that do not wish to go to the Light, I ask that you guide them somewhere safe within the universe without harming anyone.

 Close up my aura to the influences of all beings except of my Higher Self, the Creator consciousness, my Guides and Guardians.  Gently clear me of all that no longer serves me, so that I vibrate at the highest frequency of abundance, love, and my true spiritual power.  Open my heart to the vibration of Divine Love.

 I ask that you infuse all voids within my being with unconditional love and Light.  So I speak, and so it is.  So be I, may it be so.  Amen Amen Amen  I am receptive to this clearing.”  (Now tap with your index finger and 2nd finger on your right hand your thymus 3x (thymus is 2 inches below the center notch at the base of the throat and collarbone on your upper chest) and then touch your navel to “lock” energy in.)

You can also use the Blue Flame of Archangel Michael to create a bubble of protection, as he is the Archangel of Protection and Release of anything that inhibits your higher potential.

Clearing Visualization – The Violet Flame of Freedom, Transmutation and Transformation

Visualize being engulfed in the Violet Flame, as if it is a beautiful bonfire of violet light that completely encompasses your body.  This flame will transmute your energy and free you of anything that is restricting you to be your higher potential.  Feel it infuse any place within that needs love and forgiveness, or at any blocks where negative lower vibrational energy needs to be released.  Feel the transmutation bring you freedom, love, and forgiveness.  As you visualize state an intention or decree to direct the flame – such as:

I call upon the Violet Flame of St. Germain and Lady Portia, the Elohim Arcturus and Victoria, and the Archangels Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst to transmute any dark, negative, or toxic energy within me.  Free me from any discordant energies, attachments, or negative entities that seek to control me.  Please cleanse, purify, and uplift me.  Transmute any old emotional pain with forgiveness and mercy.   Help me to release any mental thoughts that restrict me from attaining my highest good.  Help me to release any negative karma or binding cords in order to have the freedom to rise into the higher realms of love and light.  Please bring inner harmony and peace to my heart.  Thank you for transforming me with love.”


 Your imagination is the highest mental faculty you have, so using your imagination to visualize with intention is important.  Energy follows intention.  You manifest by creating a thoughtform with intention and fuel it with the emotion from your heart.  Here are various options of visualizations to create energetic protection.  I recommend combining three of four of them daily during these transforming times.

MERKABA – A Merkaba is two joined tetrahedrons that serves as your “ascension vehicle”.  Place yourself inside the imagined Merkaba and fill it with divine golden, white, or diamond light.




TRIPLE WHITE LIGHT BUBBLE – Visualize yourself being surrounded by brilliant white light that completely encompasses you.  Do this 3x creating a triple layer of bubbles.  See it as a solid barrier of protection that nothing negative can cross.  The third bubble is impenetrable to negative energy, and only that of the Light may pass through.  This protection clears you (white light is purifying) and protects you with its high vibration.  You can place the following intention as you create this sphere of light around you.  “I call upon divine white light to surround me and protect me from all harm.”   You can also ask any archangel or ascended master to direct the creation of the bubble.  You can also use gold light, platinum, or diamond light to create a bubble.  You can also create a bubble, especially of Violet light, to transmute any energy around your laptop, computer, or cell phone to protect against jumping implants from the internet or 5G.



 Another layer of protection is cloaking.  Use this on the triple bubbles or Merkaba.  Visualize mirrors facing outwards covering your bubble – it will look like a disco ball.  This will make you invisible in the spirit realm, so lower energies can’t find you.  Don’t place it on your vehicle while driving or other drivers might not be able to see your car.

You can also envelop yourself in Archangel Michael’s Blue Cloak of Protection.  “Archangel Michael, please envelop me in your blue cloak of protection to keep me safe from darkness and despair.”


 After you have done all of the above, say the following:  “I now place a trillion million holograms of my protected self all around the universe that are NOT energetically connected to me.”  This will make it impossible for any negative or dark entity to find you and mess with you.  This has been proven to be very effective.


Negative energies and dark forces are putting up their final battle to overtake the Light, and are coming from off planet.  So, for extra protection visualize being infused with the high vibrational and powerful Crystalline Ray of Source Light.  It is like clear “Karo syrup” that has an intelligence to it to seek and neutralize any negative energy, and then it quickly creates a Plexiglass looking bubble shield around you.  It is good to create around your home as well.

12D PLATINUM PROTECTION SHIELD – infusing with the Platinum Ray of Stellar Enlightenment
  • Say “My declaration of intention is to serve my Source. I commit to serve my highest power fully, completely, and totally.”
  • Visualize the Merkaba (6-pointed Star of David) in the center of your brain.
  • Move the Merkaba down the chakra vertical column to the heart of the Earth.
  • Move the Merkaba up to 12 inches below your feet (Earth Star Chakra). Spin the Merkaba – infuse it with the Platinum Ray creating a platform of Light (silver-blue).  A pillar of Platinum Light now shines up through your chakras.
  • Move the Merkaba up the chakra column to 3 feet above the head (Soul Star Chakra). Spin the Merkaba and infuse it with the Platinum Ray creating a platform of Light.  Your body is now encased within a sealed tube of Platinum Light. 
  • Say “I AM Source, I AM Free, I AM Love. I thank the Creator and my ascension guides.”
  • Ground your merkaba by moving it up to the cosmic heart of the universe – Andromeda.


After you have used a combination of clearing and protection – such as the Violet Flame, Blue Flame, triple bubble, cloaked with mirrors and created holograms – it is important to “plug into” powerful sources of energy at each “end” of your chakra vertical column to fill yourself with Light, another form of protection and enhancement.   Anchor to the heart/core of the New Earth (the updated version of the Earth) extending down from your feet.  Take a moment to feel the heart-to-heart connection with the Earth and the intelligence of Gaia.  Then, from the top of your head extend your focus up through your Spiritual chakras, up through the Galactic chakra to Source energy.  You could visualize, the Sun, or the Great Central Sun (Sirius), as the divine source of universal energy for this galaxy, or up to God/Goddess Source energy for the universe.  Take a moment to feel this heart-to-heart connection with Source energy.  Now you have a flow of energy from the Earth up your chakras to the cosmos, and down from Source energy through your chakras to the Earth.  This two-way flow of energy balances and energizes you, as well as connects you to Earth and Cosmic divine intelligence.


Divine Light Rays are frequencies of Light from Source that carry particular attributes to help us on our ascension journey.  Not many people are familiar with them.  Consciously connecting to these rays can benefit your well-being, and can be directed to the planet for planetary healing.  Currently there are 27 rays.  (You can go to my website – www.elementsdesigncollection.com  and read my blog articles that I have written on each one.  I also have a Divine Rays Book and card deck that give in-depth information on the rays and the guides that work with them. 

The rays I use most for protection are the 1st Blue Flame (of Archangel Michael specifically), the 7th Ray –Violet Flame (great for transmuting and transforming energy), 4th Ray – White Light and its higher versions with the 10th Pearlescent Ray and the 14th Silver Ray, the 15th Silver-Gold, 16th Gold, 17th Platinum (excellent for planetary healing with Divine Feminine energy), and 18th Diamond Rays.  To fill the heart with the highest light, use the 23rd Pink-Peach-Diamond Ray to fill it with Cosmic Love, and the 26th Crystalline Ray of Source Light.

The 27 Divine Rays of Light

1st ray – Blue Ray of Power/Will                 

2nd ray – Yellow Ray of Wisdom

3rd ray – Pink Ray of Love                           

4th ray – White Ray of Purity                                       

5th ray – Green Ray of Healing, Truth & Science                               

6th ray – Purple Ray of Peace                     

7th ray – Violet Ray of Freedom                                   

8th ray – Aquamarine Ray of Transcendence                                                         

9th ray – Turquoise Ray of Joy & Highest Potentials

10th ray – Pearlescent Ray of the Lightbody

11th ray – Pink-Orange (Peach) ray of Divine Love

12th ray – Gold-Opal Ray of Unity Consciousness

13th ray – Copper-Gold Ray of Solar Service

14th ray – Silver Ray of the Dawn of Peace

15th ray – Silver-Gold Ray of Galactic Service

16th ray – Gold Ray of Intergalactic Service

17th ray – Platinum Ray of Stellar Enlightenment

18th ray – Diamond Ray of Multi-Universal Service

19th ray – Mint-Green Ray of the New Earth

20th ray – Aqua Light Ray of New Earth Consciousness

21st ray – Lavender Ray of Divine Harmony

22nd ray – Yellow-Peach-Diamond Ray of Cosmic Consciousness

23rd ray – Pink-Peach-Diamond Ray of Cosmic Love

24th ray – Silver-Rose Ray of the Divine Mother

25th ray – Silver-Aqua Ray of the Divine Father

26th ray – Crystalline Ray of Source Light

27th ray – The Divine Ray of Oneness


Move into stillness and focus on your heart.  See the light in your heart (your unique color and sound) and expand it until you are enveloped in a bubble.  Place the intention that the bubble descends into the Earth and into the New Earth crystalline grid – it knows the way. 

Open your senses to a network of flowing light – like filament threads or a running stream.  Feel yourself merge into this network.  Radiate your heart light to flow into and merge with the grid. 

There is a mutual strengthening energy – benefitting both yourself and the grid.  You are more in harmony with the New Earth now and your heartfelt thoughts and emotions help to create and shape the New Earth.  You are “plugged in” to the network.  You are responsible for respectful care of this connection.  It will also help your connection to the galaxy,  Source energy, and higher intelligence.  Keep your awareness of this loving connection with the New Earth – your focus adds higher creative energy and you benefit from the flow of higher wisdom and healing energy within the New Earth crystalline grid. 

MEDITATIONS – HIGHER SELF CONNECTION IN THE HEART SANCTUARY (look for the in-depth blog of Heart Sanctuary meditations)

This is a good visualization to do daily for a while, especially if you are feeling drained of energy and need to recharge. 

Imagine a set of elevator doors in front of you.  The doors open and you step inside.  The doors close and you press the highest button for Source, asking “Please take me to the highest frequency/vibration compatible with my physical body for my highest good.”  You will feel a sensation that will let you know you moving up and that the elevator stops at the appropriate level.  The doors open and you step out.  You feel a soothing, peaceful energy coming towards you and into your heart from Source.  Stay in this moment and feel the energy and receive impressions of its meaning to you.  Once it feels done, allow your heart to spread the vibration through your body.  Feel gratitude for what you have received.



Smudging with Herbs & Incense:  Smudging is the burning of dried sacred herbs to clear negative energy from a space or your energy field.  Here are some suggestions for herbs to smudge, or you can use the incense form in a stick or cone:  Basil, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Lavender, Myrrh, Palo Santo, Rose, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Vetiver, White Pine, White Sage.


High frequency energy sprays:  On my website I have four channeled energy sprays and many chakra sprays all good for clearing, protection and enhancing your energy – especially Negativity Purifier and Divine Love Light made with essential oils, crystal & flower essences.


Essential oils: Essential oils can be dispersed with a diffuser in a room, or spray, or on the body mixed with body cream.  Try: Basil, Sage, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Vetiver, Frankincense, Myrrh, Rose, Vetiver.

Crystals: Crystals can be held during meditation, carried or worn, placed around the home, or used in a crystal grid with intention.  Those good for clearing, protection, and grounding are: Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Amethyst, Apache Tear, Black Onyx, Green Fluorite, Jet, Shungite, Snowflake Obsidian.  Those that elevate and strengthen are:  Clear Quartz, Howlite, Labradorite, Rainbow Hematite, Rainbow Moonstone, Selenite, White Aventurine.


Protection Kit:  You can also order my Protection Kit for Home and Body on my website that comes with crystals, grid, and booklet.



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