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Winter Solstice Message – Merging with the Divine Design with the White Ray and Meditation with the divine ray of White Light


channeled from Sanat Kumara and Sananda Kumara (Jesus Christ)


The Winter Solstice is a time to celebrate the light that holds back the darkness.  this divine light is the main mission of both Sanat Kumara and Sananda, also known as Jesus Christ, who was the divine son who radiated divine light (of the Sun/Great Central Sun).  Many of us are facing the darkness now – in the craziness in the world politically, socially, environmentally, and on a personal level with family and friends.  Now is the time to center ourselves and immerse in the light – to maintain HOPE and strengthen our energetic selves with DIVINE LIGHT that will bring us protection, healing, inner strength, and serenity in these too crazy times of massive transitions.  There are more changes ahead on a grand scale and we can surf the waves of change by raising our vibration and being “in the flow”.

The meditation below from Sanat Kumara and Sananda is meant to help us merge with the Divine White Ray of Purity – to immerse in its diamond light – to help us not only personally, but that we can unite our light for each other, and especially for our planet Earth.  The snowflake design they have us working with will energetically help us tap into the sacred geometry of the universe.  It will act as a broadcasting device so that we become like a radio station – broadcasting Light.  It is simple, but powerful, and it is hoped we use this meditation daily.  The use of this meditation will help us be aligned, centered, and will power up our Light Body for our protection and well-being.  It will also serve to help planet Earth in the same way.  In this meditation we will also be merging our own soul intelligence with the Divine intelligence of the Shift’s plan brought within the White Ray and magnified in the snowflake crystal design, but also with Earth’s intelligence – a three-way merger leading us into a sense of Oneness of Light.


Follow a white light trail that takes you to a sacred chamber within your heart – this is your sanctuary.  Enter your sanctuary and feel your soul essence represented here – in the sounds, colors, feelings, beings, or objects found here.  Get a sense of your soul essence and feel the light from your heart shining forth into this room.  Be aware of your vertical energy alignment – feel it extend down into the Earth’s crystalline grid and core, and up towards the Sun/Great Central Sun/Source/Creator/God/Goddess.  Be aware of your light radiating in all directions – like a star.

Place the intention that you are stepping within the center of a giant snowflake that sparkles in its crystalline formation.  You can wear it around your waist like a ballerina’s tutu.

Now, intend that the White Ray of Purity shines down on you like a spotlight.  This diamond light ray will help to cleanse you physically, emotionally, and mentally.  It fills you up entirely with is sparkling pure light that you can be your best and brightest self.  The light now infuses the snowflake and activates its energy and continues to radiate outwards.  It is like a broadcast station radiating a combination of your soul essence and the White Ray.  This elevates your frequency and your energy shimmers as it rises into the higher dimensional frequencies (which will help you assimilate 5th dimensional frequencies.)

Bring your focus again on your vertical alignment and send this White Light down into Earth’s crystalline grid.  Open your awareness to the divine intelligence of Earth as you do this.  This divine light now flows into the Earth’s crystalline grid.  Sense your intelligence and the Divine intelligence and Earth’s intelligence at once existing in the radiating Light.  Feel the serenity, the power, and the Oneness within the Light.

This Light will keep you in the flow – as you are in the state of grace where you are connected to the divine intelligence – the bigger evolutionary plan.  Synchronicity, support, prosperity, healing, inspiration, knowledge, joy, can flow now with greater ease to you.  Solutions to help solve all the problems we face are in our grasp now that we have the Hope and Power of the Light within us.  Shine on the Light for all.  Now we are ready to create a better world filled with Light!

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