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By Nancy Robbins

This is a great time to work the the White Ray of Purity to cleanse away old energy and connect to your pure essence, before the pivotal shift into the Aquarian Age with the upcoming astrological events.  There will be a solar eclipse on Dec. 14, 2020  that opens a portal for new beginnings.  On Dec. 19, there will be a  Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn that peaks on Dec. 21 – the Winter Solstice .  Jupiter and Saturn will shift us into the Aquarian Age according to the evolutionary plan for Earth and humanity.

From left to right:  Ascended Masters – Master Paul and Lady Venusea, Elohim – Astrea & Purity (sitting), Archangels Gabriel and Hope






The Fourth Divine Ray – the White Ray of Purity

The White Ray stands in the middle of the seven rays, and as such it symbolizes a central point of balance and harmony.  The White Ray stimulates creativity, art, and beauty, which are reflections of the soul.  It is resurrection and ascension energy.  It resonates purity that helps cleanse you of anything that prevents you from being your highest light, that reveals and sustains your divine essence, and supports your wholeness and inner harmony.

This ray relates to the Root chakra, as ascension energy begins at the base of your spine and rises upward in ascension.

Some of the crystals associated with this ray are: Diamond, Herkimer Diamond quartz, Clear quartz, Pearl, Selenite, Moonstone.  To connect to the Root chakra:  Garnet, Red Jasper, Ruby, Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian.

The day you can receive the greatest radiation of this light is Friday.

Masters of the Three Kingdoms and their Retreats

There are masters of each of the three kingdoms – Human, Angelic, and Nature kingdom – that direct the use of each of the seven divine rays.  (There are also higher rays now that connect to the spiritual evolvement of mankind).  The masters of the seven divine rays have retreats on the etheric plane that are key focuses for the ray they oversee.  The Lords and Ladies of the Rays represent the human kingdom, the Archangels the angelic kingdom, and the Elohim the nature kingdom.  You can tune in to the light of these retreats in meditation to connect to the qualities of that light, and connect with the lords, archangels, and Elohim found at those retreats.  The more consistently that you connect to the retreat, or the masters, and the divine rays, you help entrain your own vibration to a higher level.  Even the names of the lords/ladies, archangels and Elohim found there hold power.  For detailed descriptions of each retreat you can visit http://ascendedmastersspiritualretreats.org

The masters of the White Ray of Purity:

Human Kingdom:  Ascended masters are Master Paul and Lady Venusea.

Angelic Kingdom:  Archangels Gabriel and Annunciata – Lady Hope.

Nature Kingdom:  Elohim Purity and Astrea

Ascended Masters – Master Paul and Lady Venusea:

Master Paul, and his twin flame, Lady Venusea, both came from Venus with Sanat Kumara’s original entourage.  Master Paul is the Lord of the White Ray of Purity, Harmony, and Balance.  He is the Keeper of the White Flame of Purity and uses it to help purify and free you from whatever binds you or keeps you from fulfilling your potential.  The faith and trust in his truth enables him to unfailingly hold the White Flame at all times without compromise.

Lady Venusea, has immense capacity for stillness and calm.  She is the “eye of the storm” in the midst of chaos providing a serene foundation for purification.  When you are in stillness, you can hear the voice of your soul, and connect with your own divine essence.  She can help you stay positive, joyful and optimistic in your manifestations, and helps you detox your mind, body, and home.  Let your emotions flow like water releasing any fears that block your emotions, so that joy, love, and optimism can flow.  Hold the pure wonder and joyful innocence of a child.

Water is a great medium to carry intention.  Bless the water that you drink and cleanse with by invoking the white flame of purity.  You can send positive thoughts, and love to the water within you, or  on the planet, and in this way, you can create greater well-being for all.

Master Paul and Lady Venusea’s Retreat is over Al Hamra, Libya, Africa.

Archangel Gabriel and Archeia Annunciata, Lady Hope

Archangel Gabriel is the Angel of Divine Illumination and Communication – an angel of the moon, water, and inner vision that helps you balance, enhance, and express your emotions.  He especially helps to create a flow of communication between yourself and the Divine realm.  As with moonlight, he works with the white ray to help raise your vibrations with white light and bring hope and joy which are emotionally balancing.  He shines light on your gifts, truth, and divine purpose to sustain your divine plan.  His white light brings clarity of vision and insights.

Archeia Annunciata, known as Lady Hope – instills hope and enthusiasm to help you fulfill your divine plan.  She helps you to speak your truth.  She lifts you up and gives voice to your hopes and dreams.  She supports confidence in yourself and your desires so that you may share your gifts with the world.

Archangel Gabriel and Annunciata’s Retreat is over Sacramento and Mt. Shasta, California, USA (Root chakra of the planet).

Elohim – Purity and Astrea

Purity uses the white ray – the White Flame of Ascension – to inspire purity and perfection.  It purifies you of anything that blocks your divine energy, and raises your vibration so that you can ascend.  He resonates the pure white light of Christ consciousness that contains all the rays.  He infuses the elementals with the divine pattern of perfection in manifestation – focusing on the pure white light that is at the heart of every atom, and out of which the seven rays or aspects emanate.

Astrea uses a sword of blue flame (feminine version of the white flame – white when it coalesces with physical matter turns blue) to clear away anything that prevents or opposes the fulfillment of the Divine Plan, and brings you protection.

Purity and Astrea’s retreat is at the Gulf of Archangel over the southeastern White Sea, Russia.

Visualizing the White Flame in Meditation

To begin, sit where you can be undisturbed, relax and come to a place of stillness.  Anything that we can visualize, or imagine, is real somewhere within the vast realms of form.  The more frequently that we return to a visualization it manifests energetically in our lives – physically, emotionally, and mentally.  You can use this visualization to infuse yourself, your home, or planet Earth.

Visualize the white flame as a huge bonfire wide and high enough to encompass your body and extend three or more feet out all around. Imagine the brilliant white light cleanses you like a white light shower that clears you of any lower energies and dissolves any blocks.  Feel it purify every cell of your body to reveal your own divine light.  See your light shimmer.  As you visualize state an intention or decree to direct the flame.  Below are some examples of decrees:

“I call upon Archangel Gabriel to fill me, and purify me, with the grace of the White Ray of Purity, to dissolve all discordant memories, deeply rooted bad habits, thoughts and emotions that lower my vibration.”

“I call upon Lady Hope to infuse me with the White Ray to help me speak my truth with confidence and give voice to my hopes and dreams.”

“I ask Lady Hope to fill me with the White Ray so that my heart is uplifted with hope, love, and joy.”

“I call upon Archangel Gabriel to help bring me pure divine communication to guide me in fulfilling my highest potential and divine plan.”

“I call upon Purity and Astrea to purify me of any negative thoughtforms, or lower emotions, that obscure my pure divine energy.  May your White Flame purify me, and reveal my divine essence.”

“I call upon Astrea to use her blue-white flaming sword to clear anything from me that prevents the fulfillment of my divine purpose, and that she creates a circle of protection around me.”

“I call upon the White Flame of Purity and Astrea to purify Earth and support her ascension to the higher frequencies of the New Earth.”

“I invoke the Elohim Purity and Astrea, to purify the Earth of any dark agendas, negativity, and toxins, so that Mother Earth ascends and transforms into the New Earth, and is a planet of love and light.”

“I call upon Master Paul and the White Flame of Ascension to strengthen my faith and trust to live the truth of my higher potential.”

“I ask Master Paul to immerse me in the White Flame of Purity to raise my vibrations to a higher frequency – to higher consciousness.  I am divine love and light.”

“I call upon Master Paul and Lady Venusea to encompass me in the White Flame so that I purify, ascend, and merge with my higher self.”

“I call upon Lady Venusea and the White Flame to infuse me with purity so that I am filled with peace, serenity, and grace.  I sparkle with diamond light.”

“I ask Lady Venusea to bathe me with the White Flame of Purity to cleanse me of any chaos and bring me serenity.  In stillness and calm I can now hear the guiding voice of my soul.”


  1. Archangel Gabriel is feminine but androgynous. Water communication and purity and somehow a masculine archangel? Doesn’t make sense.

    1. Angels are actually non-gender. We feel them as feminine or masculine due to their qualities. I also feel Gabriel as feminine predominantly, because of the divine feminine qualities of this angel.

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