Welcome! FREE SHIPPING on the 1st Day of the Month! Check out my articles and meditations on my blog too! If you have any questions on the shopping or are international, please email me.

Workshops & Services


Greetings and welcome to Elements Design Collection!

I invite you to return to this section often to view my latest creations – which may be in the form of new spirit-guided products, or new workshops and services.  I am a spiritual medium and I love creativity and so I have many collaborative projects with my spirit team of guides which involves me delving into my artistic, mediumistic and healing skills daily. 

You will find my newest workshops and event schedule information here.  If you haven’t already, please take a look at all the existing products in my repertoire for great gift ideas – they are handmade in America, Reiki energized, and unique gifts – especially in the gift collections.  Thank you and I hope you enjoy my work!

My products are also sold at the MYSTIKAL SCENTS shop in Thonotosassa (9545 E. Fowler Ave., Thonotosassa, FL 33592  813-986-3212).  Please visit the shop!



SPIRIT ADVISOR SESSION:  90 min. – $125.00

Are you feeling lost, stuck, frustrated, depressed, or stressed?  There is support available to you to help you tap into higher dimensional wisdom and your own inner wisdom.  As a spiritual medium I can help you tap into the wisdom that can expand your awareness and bring you solutions to empower you to fulfill your own unique path and heart’s desires.  A 90 min. session brings you information and expands your awareness to your soul level work.  A session may bring you the following:  Open your awareness to any healing issues – physical, emotional, mental, spiritual; bring clarity to your soul mission and your next steps; help balance your chakras and energy system; bring messages from guides and ascended masters.  A session may be augmented with card readings, trance healing, and or guided meditations to expand the healing and awareness. To schedule email: nrobbins25@gmail.com

HEALING WITH THE PLEIADIAN INSTITUTE:  2 hrs. – $150.00/1 hr. $75.

The Pleiadian Institute has now taken residence in my “Vortex Garden”.  I am currently working with seven Pleiadians who have established a Pleiadian Institute here increasing the intensity of Pleiadian work here.  Working with this Institute are Arcturians, Archangels, ascended masters, goddesses, elementals, and recently joining them the Sidhe and Adama, high priest of Lemuria.  A great deal of planetary healing is accomplished here as well as guidance for our evolutionary shift.  It is a powerful place of love and light.  You can step into these powerful energies and receive healing and guidance from any of these amazing high vibrational beings to augment a Spirit Advisor session with me.  Experience the energy and connection with these amazing beings and the Pleiadian Institute! To schedule email: nrobbins25@gmail.com


I am beginning to schedule workshops now – I have thirteen different workshops to choose from!  Here are the details on these great workshops, see below!!  Check often because new ones are being added. 

A private class or small group class can be scheduled with me at my home (and you can take advantage of working with the Vortex Garden energy!)  or at a location near you – it’s open for discussion.  Any of the workshop choices are available for this, or private tutoring,  Please email me if you are interested,  See below for workshops available.  

stepping into 5d:  a new you and a new earth

Humanity and the planet are ascending into the higher frequencies of the 5th dimension.  We all need to move into our higher potential as we assimilate the higher frequencies.  This workshop will help you to explore and connect with the next level of your higher potential that you are ready to be.  You will be taken on a guided visualization that will take you to your heart sanctuary where you will meet with your Higher Self and explore your soul essence, and then move into your higher aspect.  With the second stage of your journey, you will connect into Earth’s crystalline grid, meet with Gaia, and connect with the Great Central Sun to bring you into a “state of grace”.  Gaia will lead you on a journey within the crystalline grid where you will discover important information that supports the new you.  Then, you will step into the New Earth and explore it as the New You!  My guides highly recommend this transformational journey as a very important step for us to take at this time.  It especially allows us to take advantage of the current energies being downloaded on the planet to achieve these exact goals!

(2 hrs. – $30. 00 per person)

Communicating with higher dimensional beings

This workshop is about connecting and communicating with higher dimensional beings – such as your Higher Self, ascended masters, archangels, star beings, and elementals.  You will be taken on a guided visualization to help you connect and communicate with your Higher Self in the safety of your sacred heart sanctuary, and then connecting with another guide who wishes to connect to you!  This will be a great opportunity to move up into higher frequencies and expand your communication skills there!        (2 hrs. – $30.00 per person)  


This workshop helps you connect to the world of elementals of earth, fire, water, and air.  Guided visualizations and hands on experience will help you connect more deeply with the Earth’s invisible realm and intelligences. (2 hrs. – $30.)


What’s going on and how to transform with the shifting energies:  This workshop explores what the Aquarian Age is all about and how it affects us.  You will learn how to align with the new energies of this Age and to move along with the transformation and evolutionary shift.  You will gain insight into immediate steps you can take for self-transformation, and exploration with the new consciousness.  You will create a new vision, and a new plan of action for yourself, on how to move forward on your path in flow with the current of the Aquarian Age. (2 hrs. – $30.00 per person)   


Here is a chance to explore the inner world of crystals and stones, as well as your inner world.  Connect and communicate with a crystal/stone being to learn what it wishes to offer the world and how it can specifically work with you for greater healing and awareness.  Many crystals and stones offer assistance in healing and raising our consciousness and serve as important companions during this current evolutionary shift in helping us acclimate to the new energies – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  They also serve as amazing co-pilots on our inner journeys and exploration.  During this workshop you will have the opportunity to experience this connection. (2 hrs. – $30.00 per person)


Information in this workshop will help you to understand your chakra energetic system and the issues each chakra governs, as well as the transformations taking place with the chakras in response to the new energies.  You will gain information on the issues governing the physical chakras:  Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Brow, Crown and a new chakra – Well of Dreams.  You will discover with guided meditations where you need to balance and gain new insight on yourself.  You will also learn various techniques for scanning and clearing your chakras.  This comprehensive workshop will provide you with important information to help you create a strong foundation for yourself, creatively manifest, empower, and express yourself and create greater well-being.  (Workshop attendees will receive a $5.00 off coupon for the Chakra Meditation Card Deck or the Transformation Trinity Kit.) (2 hrs. – $30.00 per person)    

TRANsforming with the spiritual chakras 

As we are ascending in frequency and transforming we are accessing more of our spiritual chakras.  Information in this workshop will help you to understand the Spiritual Chakras, sometimes called the Etheric Chakras:  Earth Star, Lower Heart, Higher Heart, Higher Crown, Soul Star, Divine Creativity, Soul Portal, Galactic Chakras.  In this workshop you will come to understand the attributes of these higher chakras and what they can offer you, such as, ancestral healing, connecting to your akashic records, activating higher psychic skills, learning your life purpose, enabling connection and communication with your Higher Self and spirit guides, understanding your higher dimensional aspects, exploring you past life skills, to name a few.  Explore more of your authentic self in this revelatory workshop.   (2 hrs. – $30.00 per person)

enhancing your 5-d light body

We are on the path of ascension along with the planet, in raising our vibrations to reach the frequencies of higher dimensions.  This is the evolutionary flow that is transforming the Earth into the 5D New Earth, and transforming our carbon-based bodies into crystalline light bodies.  In this workshop you will be taken on a guided visualization that will connect you to three important sources of divine energy that will enhance your Light Body – the Great Central Sun (Sirius), Earth’s crystalline grid, and your heart.  You will also be utilizing the 10th divine ray – the Pearlescent Ray of the Light Body, along with the assistance of Archangel Metatron and the Directors and Elohim of the Elements, to enhance your Light Body and raise you into your higher potential and greater inner harmony.  (2 hrs. – $30.00 per person)

discovering your feminine and masculine aspects

No matter our gender, we are each made up of Feminine and Masculine aspects.  These dualistic aspects are much like day and night, light and dark, inhaling and exhaling – these opposites are essential and are fundamental for the existence of the other.  In discovering the qualities and gifts that these aspects offer you can create inner-harmony and be empowered by playing to your strengths.  When these feminine and masculine aspects are in balance they become your strengths, when they are out of balance, they become counter-productive to your life.  In this workshop you will be taken on a guided visualization where you will meet your feminine and masculine aspects and the gifts they bring you, and get them working together in harmony.  This is a fascinating inner journey that will bring you greater awareness of your gifts to move you forward on your life’s path.  (2 hr. – $30. per person)

exploring your heart sanctuary

In this workshop, you will be taken on a guided visualization to your heart sanctuary – your inner sacred heart space that reflects your soul’s essence.  Here you can explore this important space and connect with your Higher Self, and other guides that have important messages for you.  This sanctuary space will provide you with greater awareness of your mission on Earth in this lifetime, and your many gifts.  Here you can listen to your heart’s voice and find peace and nurturing love.  (2 hr. – $30. per person)

exploring the divine rays 1-7

The first seven Divine Rays represent the seven attributes – the energetic expressions – of the one Divine Creator energy that makes up All That Is.  The qualities of each ray represent a path of spiritual development or lesson our soul undertakes on Earth as we progress on the path towards the full expression of Divine Love.  The Seven Rays are: the 1st Blue Ray of Power/Will, the 2nd Yellow Ray of Wisdom, the 3rd Pink Ray of Love, the 4th White Ray of Purity, the 5th Green Ray of Healing, Science & Truth, the 6th Purple Ray of Peace, and the 7th Violet Ray of Freedom & Transformation.  In this time of massive change and collective ascension, missing out on the qualities of any one of the seven rays will leave you feeling out of balance and incomplete.  This workshop will help open your awareness to each of the attributes of these seven rays, and the ascended master and archangels working with them.  You will be taken on a guided visualization to connect into the energies and experience these rays, and how you can call upon their energies to enhance your well-being and transformation.  (2 hrs. – $30. per person)

exploring the divine rays 8-14

The first seven Divine Rays are ruled by divine masculine ascended masters, and these next seven rays are ruled by divine feminine masters, as well as archangels.  Rays 8-14 are:  the 8th Aquamarine Ray of Transcendence, the 9th Turquoise Ray of Joy & Highest Potentials, the 10th Pearlescent Ray of the Lightbody, the 11th Peach Ray of Divine Love, the 12th Gold-White Ray of Unity Consciousness, the 13th Copper-Gold Ray of Solar Service, and the 14th Silver Ray of the New Order & Dawn of Peace.  This workshop will open your awareness to each of these higher rays that are rarely discussed .  You will learn their attributes, and the masters and archangels that work with them – so that you can utilize them in your life.  You will be taken on a guided visualization to help you connect to each of these higher divine rays to experience their energies.  (2 hr. – $30. per person)


A home that supports and nurtures you. You’ve worked hard to balance your energy …and now your home needs to reflect the evolved you.  Your home is a template for you…and the energy of your home needs to support and nurture you and your family.  Your home can be a sanctuary and workshop for growth, or a trap of old patterns and negative energy.  This workshop is a self-exploration workshop in re-discovering who you are – your values, qualities, desires, needs and that which nurtures and supports your soul.  Once this is discovered you can create a home environment that supports you energetically and one that nurtures your soul and well-being.  You will also explore color and element energies that will assist you in creating a nurturing and balancing environment.  A fascinating exploration of the colorful you that you are! (2 hrs. – $30.00 per person)

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