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Two New Divine Rays: Silver-Rose Ray of the Divine Mother, and Silver-Aqua Ray of the Divine Father

by Nancy Robbins

Four new rays came in during the month of October 2023 – and here are the first two of them along with a description, and the Elohim, Archangels, and Ascended Masters who are chiefly working with that ray.  I’ve also included a crystal with a meditation that helps you connect with that ray.  You can find more information on all 27 divine rays in my brand-new book and card deck – The Divine Rays – Stairway to Ascension.  It’s a 200-page book with a 60-card deck.

24th Divine Ray – Silver-Rose Ray of the Divine Mother

Divine Mother Energy

Color:  Dusty rose color with shades of lavender, silver, and pearlescent white.  It is a combination of the 11th Peach (Pink-Orange) Ray of Divine Love, the 21st Lavender Ray of Peace, the 10th Pearlescent Ray of the Lightbody, and the 14th Silver Ray of the New Order and Dawn of Peace.

Keywords: Unconditional motherly love, peace, nurturing, healing, regeneration, being home, earth connection, Divine Feminine.

Description:  This ray feels like being at home in the embrace of your mother, where you feel peace, are nurtured, and healed, and feel safe!  It is gentle, beautiful, graceful, yet powerful.  This ray activates by realigning molecules to the Christ codes, and regenerates cells.  This ray also connects you to the heart of the Earth – of Gaia.  Therefore, it helps to connect you to crystals, nature spirits, and nature.  It is a new template for the Divine Feminine.  When using this Ray you may find yourself encircled by the Sisterhood of the Rose – guides of the Divine Feminine energy.

Ascended Masters:  Mary Magdalene, Quan Yin, Lady Nada, Athena, Isis, Amerissis, and more.

Archangels: Archeia Mareia (Mother Mary), Archeia Sophia, Archeia Magdalena, Angel Ariel.

Elohim: Heros & Amora

Corresponding Chakra: Divine Creativity, Galactic

Cosmic Influence: Moon, Neptune, Pleiades Venus, Earth – Gaia, Sidhe, Agartha.

Connecting Crystal Message: Rhodonite – Stone of Heart Power I saw the spirit of Rhodonite as a feminine fairy/angelic presence with an ethereal pink gown and pearlescent wings. – a gentle, loving, beautiful being.  She stirs the heart to its highest power and connects one to the heart of Source.  She elevates the power of love to shine the light on your hidden gifts and talents that can be used for the highest good of all.  It fills you with love, generosity, and compassion.

It is a catalyzing force for the fulfillment of one’s life purpose, through the expansion and activation of one’s hidden gifts.  It speaks to us of our responsibility to use our skills to assist in the spiritual birth of the New Earth and each other during these times of transformation.  It enhances one’s sense of self-worth and of being sure about one’s life purpose.  Its nurturing healing abilities help to balance your masculine and feminine qualities, and it heals emotional wounds and shock.  It helps you focus on the joy in life.  These qualities are also reflected in the Silver-Rose Ray of the Divine Mother.

Other crystals:  Rose Quartz, Rosophia, Moonstone, Selenite, Angel Aura Quartz, Chrysocolla, Chrysoprase, Emerald, Green Prehnite, Kunzite.

 Affirmation: “I am nurtured and loved in the embrace of the Divine Mother.”

 Silver-Rose Ray Visualization:  It is a gentle summer morning and you are walking in a beautiful rose garden of stunning colors that surrounds a circular marble bench.  This is the garden of the Sisterhood of the Rose.  Many feminine guides of the Sisterhood are entering to sit on the bench, and they ask you to join them.  You see Archeia Mariea (Mother Mary), Angel Ariel, Mary Magdalene, Lakshmi, Quan Yin, Lady Portia, Isis, Athena, Amerissis, Lady Nada, Venus Kumara, and many more joining the circle.  You are here to receive the Silver-Rose Ray of the Divine Mother.  You sit and close your eyes and feel the support of love all around you.  You are being infused with a silvery dusty-rose-pink ray with slight tints of lavender.  You have the sensation that you are in your mother’s loving embrace.  You feel the unconditional love pouring into you filling you with peace.  The energy heals any emotional wounds and nurtures your energy restoring you.  You feel safe in this “home” created by this ray’s energy.  You hear the heartbeat of your mother which shifts your focus to your Earth Mother – Gaia.  The love extends into the Earth to create a loving relationship with all of nature.  You feel the power of the Divine Feminine that is healing, intuitive, nurturing, compassionate, patient, and creative.  Heart wisdom of the Divine Mother will guide you and help you to birth new creations – especially the New Earth.  This is the power of the Silver-Rose Ray.

25th Divine Ray – the Silver-Aqua Ray of the Divine Father

Divine Father Energy

Color:  A soft pearlescent aqua with slight shades of lavender and silver.

Keywords:  Divine Masculine, heart-centered action, nobility, wisdom, support, strength, perseverance, confidence.

 Description:  This Silver-Aqua Ray is heart-centered, and action taken in forward movement is from the heart.  This ray assists you in standing in your heart power to make choices from that power without outside influence.  You feel a sense of gentle enduring strength, wisdom, nobility, confidence, perseverance, and support with this ray.  It is a new template for the Divine Masculine.  It feels like fatherly support, someone who “has your back” which expands your self-confidence.  It enhances the flowing alignment between heaven and earth as they are merging into a new harmony, and between the masculine and feminine energies.  With this ray you may find a ring of guides of the Divine Masculine as listed under Ascended Masters. 

Ascended Masters: Sananda (Jesus), Lord Ling, El Morya Khan, Lord Lanto, Paul the Venetian, Serapis Bey, Hilarion, Buddha, St. Germain, Maitreya, Melchior, Melchizedek

Archangels:  Metatron, Sandalphon, Michael, Jophiel, Chamuel, Raphael, Uriel, Zadkiel, Haniel, Raziel, Omniel, Azrael.

Elohim: Heros & Amora, Peace & Aloha, Arcturus & Victoria

Corresponding Chakra: Divine Creativity & Galactic

Cosmic Influence: Mars, Moon, Neptune, Pleiades, Sirius, Sun, Uranus, Venus, Earth – Gaia,  Sidhe, Agartha.

Connecting Crystal Message:  Azumar – Stone of Rejuvenation and Evolution The spirit of Azumar looked like a feminine angelic in a pale white-aqua gown.  She has a soothing, calming influence and power that uplifts you into your higher potential with ease and grace.  Azumar’s currents wash through your liquid crystal structures dissolving dysfunctional patterns and bringing refreshment, joy, and rejuvenation to every cell.  It heals and brightens the emotional body and allows you to tap into your intuitive potentials and psychic skills.  It is also a stone of insight and communication penetrating to the heart of matters and enhancing one’s ability to express their truth.  Azumar also stimulates spiritual evolution through ever more powerful experiences of joy and rapture.  This stone reflects the qualities of the Silver-Aqua Ray, with its forward movement from the heart on the ascension path of spiritual evolution.  Its soothing and calming influence help you do so with ease and grace. 

Other crystals: Carnelian, Rainbow Hematite, Sunstone, Kunzite.

 Affirmation: “I am centered in my heart, and with the support of the Divine Father I move forward on my path of ascension.”

 Silver-Aqua Ray Visualization:  You are walking through a forest of mighty oak trees as you come to a clearing.  Within the clearing are golden marble benches forming a circle with one in the center.  The sun sends its rays into the circle casting a golden glow.  You see many male guides of Divine Masculine energy sitting there waiting for you – Sananda, El Morya Khan, Lord Lanto, Paul the Venetian, Serapis Bey, Hilarion, Buddha, St. Germain, Maitreya, Melchior, Melchizedek, and many Archangels.  Sananda indicates for you to sit in the center so you may receive the Silver-Aqua Ray.

You sit and close your eyes feeling the strength, and powerful energetic support surround you from these great guides as the silvery aqua ray with slight tints of lavender infuse you.  You feel a shift as you focus on your heart and listen to its voice.  You feel the guidance from your heart will inform you of the best action to take to move forward on your path of ascension – your spiritual evolution.  Within this energy you feel nobility, wisdom, enduring strength, perseverance, and confidence that energetically supports you.  This is a new template of Divine Masculine energy that also assists the flowing alignment between Heaven (masculine energies) and Earth (feminine energies) in the creation of a Divine Harmony and wholeness.  This is the power of the Silver-Aqua Ray.


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