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Visualization: Meet your Feminine and Masculine Aspects

Divine Feminine energy has been coming onto the planet the past several years in particular to help balance the masculine energy.  The masculine energy is transforming into Divine Masculine energy, which means it is moving up into its higher potential.  The plan is for Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies to merge and move into harmony – Divine Harmony.  This is the desired goal for the Aquarian Age and the New Earth.  We are heading into a Golden Age, and divine harmony is a prerequisite for a world of love, light, and peace.  

Divine Harmony is also a personal goal now.  To reach that harmony, you need to understand what your feminine and masculine aspects are.  Are they in balance?  Do you know what gifts you receive from each?  What weaknesses do each of them have?  The visualization below will help you meet those feminine and masculine aspects, and discover more about them.  It is time to learn what strengths each of them possess, and what new strength and gift you receive when they are working together in harmony.  It is part to mission to be whole.  By working together, both aspects can grow and blossom, and so do you!

To prepare for the visualization:  Relax and let yourself come into stillness by quieting your mind and emotions.  Let everything settle into stillness and quiet.  Then use your imagination to lead you through the following visualization.


Imagine that you are walking down a long hallway.  At the end of the hallway are two doors.  Open the door on the left and walk inside.  You discover a large room with a beautiful ornate mirror in the center, and you stand before it.  The reflection looking back at you is one you see every day.  Now, consciously allow the reflection to change to reveal your feminine aspect.  Whether you are male or female you will see your feminine aspect and sense the qualities of your feminine energy. 

Open your senses, examine and take note of all the details of your feminine self – the inner and outer beauty, skills, personal qualities, and unique gifts.  …….Now reach your hand into the mirror and take the hand of the feminine image in yours.  Pull this feminine self out of the mirror so that she stands in front of you.  Know that she is a friend and give her a name.  Imagine that a beam of green energy connects your heart with her heart.  Feel the connection and how it affects you………You embrace her sensing she is gradually merging with you blending your energies together in your heart.  She is now a part of you.  The qualities she possesses, you now possess.

Take a moment to reflect on how meeting your feminine aspect has enhanced your previous understanding of your feminine qualities.  What, if anything, is different?  How do her qualities enhance you?  Now turn and walk out of the room the way you came, back into the hallway, and close the door.


Now, open the door on the right, and walk into this room, again finding an ornate mirror.  Walk up to the mirror and stand looking at your usual reflection.  Now consciously allow the reflection to change to reveal your masculine aspect.  Whether you are male or female you will see your masculine aspect.  Open your senses, examine and take not of all the details of your masculine self – the inner and outer beauty, skills, personal qualities, and unique gifts. ….Now reach your hand into the mirror and take the hand of the masculine image in yours.  Pull this masculine self out of the mirror so that he stands in front of you.  Know that he is a friend and give him a name.  Imagine that a beam of green energy connects your heart with his heart.  You embrace him sensing he is gradually merging with you blending your energies together in your heart.  He is now a part of you.  The qualities he possesses, you now possess. 

Take a moment to reflect on how meeting your masculine aspect has enhanced your previous understanding of your masculine qualities.  What, if anything, is different?  How do his qualities enhance you? 

Now turn and walk out of the room the way you came, back into the hallway, and close the door.

You have received the best qualities to support you from your feminine and masculine aspects.  Take a moment to reflect – How do you feel different than before the visualization?    The feminine and masculine aspects are united within you.  What new gifts have they created from their union?  Do you feel more inner harmony and peace?  Sense their love and support.  Come back now to your present awareness. 

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